Business owner

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mark Belenkii - Benefits of the Canadian Retirement System

9:16 AM Posted by Unknown No comments

When viewed on the surface, both the USA and Canada have very similar retirement systems in place.  Delve a little deeper, however, and it becomes clear that our northern neighbors have a slight advantage in that department.

In a recent poll of all of the major countries in the world, Canada ranked fifth in retirement planning and assistance while the United States ranked tenth.  The U.S. came up short, separated from Canada by Brazil, Poland, the United Kingdom and Chile, while Canada was bested only by countries like Switzerland, Sweden and at the top of the list, the Netherlands.  The flat-rate pension plan can be listed as a success, but a side-by-side comparison of similar retirement policies demonstrates why the Canadian people, at least at the moment, have a brighter outlook when it comes to living better as they get older.

The United States has Social Security and Canada has Old Age Security.  Old Age Security is pretty straightforward.  Once Canadian citizens turn 65 (after having resided in the country for at least 40 years as an adult), they are typically eligible to receive the entirety of a monthly payment of about $530, give or take a few dollars based on certain qualification factors.  What's more, retirees earning under $29,904 gain access to Guaranteed Income Supplements and Allowances.  

Social Security varies in complexity from Old Age Security when considerations like marital status and outside income come into play.  The U.S. Program also provides disability income and takes into account more than simply retirement benefits.  The eligibility age is two-tiered as well, in that a person is eligible for part-time benefits at age 62, graduating to full-time at age 67.  The system is also credit based, meaning that individuals who qualify must reach a minimum of 40 credits and can earn more by delaying the receipt of their first benefit payments.  Since the U.S.'s Social Security funds are expected to run out, Canada's retirement programs are deemed safer.

This extends into the overall quality of life in each nation as well.  Since Canadians don't really have the concerns of running out of money post-retirement that the average American pensioner has, they typically experience a less stressful and more enjoyable retirement.  It's not uncommon to find retirees in America still holding jobs to supplement their retirement benefits in search of a more comfortable life.  This isn't to say that it's all doom and gloom, as both countries rank near the higher end of the United Nation's Human Development Index, a marker of general quality of life and living standards.

As is often the case, the more privatized healthcare system in the United States serves to weigh the country down when it comes to retirement and benefits.  All of the basic healthcare services are covered for Canadian citizens and the program is funded by the public, so retirees don't have to stress over caring for their bodies and their general health nearly as much as their American counterparts.  Once a person leaves the workforce and the safety of the accompanying health coverage, they can be expected to pay around $350,000 to compensate for Medicare-ineligible, out-of-pocket medical expenses.

With that said, it's more important than ever for people to pay attention to their finances early on to prepare for a longer life and to ensure a safe, secure and happy future in whatever country they call home.

Read more on Mark Belenkii website

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mark Belenkii – How to Know If You Are Eligible for Tax Breaks

9:49 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
It’s tax season, but don’t panic. There are plenty of tax breaks out there to help you maximize your return. Here are a few tips on how to find them.
It can be said that the two most common things that exist in this world are change and taxes. Indeed, come spring time, many Americans are scrambling to assess their finances and major financial decisions of the past year in order to have everything in line by April’s deadline. It comes far too fast for many who end up owing the government sometimes thousands of dollars. Yet, others are owed a refund and happily look forward to the extra funds to start the New Year by doing things like investing in house improvements or planning a summer vacation. The key to coming out on top in the world of taxes is taking advantage of any and all deductions and tax breaks that you are allowed. If your income situation is relatively straightforward and you don’t fall into many distinct demographics, it doesn’t take too much to find the major breaks. However, there are many that are overlooked simply because people don’t bother to do their research or didn’t even know that the breaks existed. Here are a few good methods to make sure that you are prepared for tax season and get most off the returns owed to you by the government.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mark Belenkii – How to Carry Out Sustainable Business Practices

8:26 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Business sustainability is more than just analyzing your risks. You need a creative approach to capture your target population. A professional business plan and a well maintained website will help out a lot here, but finding new and improved ways to get people interested in your business are always needed.
If you want your business to be successful over the long haul. Even in times of crisis, there are things that you can do to help keep your business moving forward indefinitely. Some of these things are common sense, and some are a little bit more complex. Either way, if you follow these steps, you might be able to slightly improve your company’s sustainability.
Business sustainability in today’s marketplace requires some creativity such as with the above examples. Start out by writing a business plan. Make it as detailed as possible and try to come up with how you would respond to different scenarios. The more prepared you are for an emergency, the easier it will be to overcome. Once you get your company off the ground, the next step is to get your product sold, and this is where the challenges come in. With the internet, it’s easier than ever for people to shop around. You will need a professional looking web page in order to compete in this area.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mark Belenkii – Obtaining Availability Through the Cloud

11:00 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Cloud storage lets you save your important documents and software at a remote location, making work much more accessible and a lot cheaper in the meantime. This cuts down on all sorts of costs for a company, and it can increase productivity and thus profits, too.
The cloud has done a lot to change business practices over the last few years. For one, it has made data storage a lot cheaper and has sped up the business process. No longer do companies need to spend a lot of money on their own in house servers, but now they can save what they need to on their cloud storage space and not worry about having to pay for the upkeep of a costly piece of equipment. The cloud can be used for a very low price—if not for free—and this has cut down on how much many companies spend on their data storage fees.
This also cuts down on the cost of other equipment, too. A company doesn’t need to go out and buy a set of computers with a ton of bells and whistles now. Instead, they can save everything to the cloud and buy machines with less memory. These computers will run faster despite being cheaper because there will be much less stored on the computers’ hard drives themselves. You can save both data files and software on the cloud and access everything that you need to remotely for a huge amount of savings.

Mark Belenkii – How to Find the Best Neighborhood for Raising Kids

10:46 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Having children changes every aspect of your life, including your real estate options. Young adults just leaving their parents’ homes or college dorms are practically uninhibited in their home search, having very little to limit them in their options. But as one grows older, there are ever more things to take into consideration as you look for your next home. Not only do you accumulate more personal belongings, you may also find yourself with an extra person or two to account for!
Many American families find themselves in the position of needing to move in order to accommodate the new additions to their homes. In fact, it’s a pretty common trajectory for many people: your first home is small and just for you, perhaps you later cohabitant with a significant other, then children come along and suddenly you need much more space.
It’s very common for families to find new homes once their children begin to walk and need more space. After all, it’s one thing for an infant to live in a small apartment, but kids can be very active and need some room to run around. Plenty of families find themselves needing more from their homes as their children grow older, or as more children join the family. While the parents may have already gone through the house hunt before, there are so many more things to take into consideration when there are children in the picture.